How to become financially free? – Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki

How to become financially free? – Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki

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Rich Dad, Poor Dad


Robert Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter


First things first! Robert Kiyosaki is a bestselling author, multi-millionaire, and being called the millionaire school teacher. His book Rich Dad, Poor Dad has been on the New York Times bestseller list for many years in a row. Pay attention to his words and it will change your life.

The book sold over 26 million copies and you ought to become the owner of one too. You want to become financially free? Even become a millionaire? Robert Kiyosaki teaches the basics to achieve that goal.

When Robert was about 9 years old he had to decide who to continue listening to. His real dad - he called him poor dad – was the head of education of Hawaii and holder of a Ph.D. Although he loved him dearly, his dad had no financial aptitude and no financial knowledge. He advised Robert all the time:” Stay in school, get good grades, so you can find a safe, secure job.”[1] His rich dad, one of the wealthiest people in Hawaii, stated instead: “Money is not taught in school. Schools focus on scholastic skills, but not on financial skills. This explains how smart bankers, doctors and accountants who earned excellent grades in school may struggle financially all of their lives.”[2]

The book excellently helps you to change your mindset about money. In an easy approach – that was originally designed for 9 year old Robert and his friend Mike – it brings across the different attitudes that poor and middle class people have versus wealthy people. The word wealthy here does not only refer to people with millions on their bank account, but to people who have financial literacy.

One of the break-through thoughts to reflect on is: “The rich don`t work for money”! This quote, kept in mind, and even if it`s the only thing that you remember, will change your life. Working to learn and not just focusing on the paycheck at the end of the month, will create progress never imagined. Imagine this: You can never earn more money than the salary that you get each month…for the rest of your life. If you don`t come up with a way to create alternative income, you`re stuck in the so-called rat race. This means “the pattern of get up, go to work, pay bills, get up, go to work, pay bills.”[3]

It does not mean, not to get a job or study at university. Of course, I do hope that the doctor who performs a surgery knows exactly what he is doing and has a doctor`s degree. However, you ought to reflect deeply on how you deal with money each day. Love your job, study hard, but get your thinking right first.

Be aware that this book and the concept inside will shatter your belief system so dramatically like nothing before. You alone need to take responsibility over your life. There`s nobody else to blame. Humans are creatures of habit. Read this book and get new habits. Get a new life!

Kiyosaki. R., & Lechter, L. (2001). Rich Dad Poor Dad. New York: Business Plus Hachette Book Group USA


[1] Kiyosaki. R., & Lechter, L. (2001). Rich Dad Poor Dad. New York: Business Plus (p.59)

[2] ibid (p.19)

[3] ibid (p.55)

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